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Hey, just letting you know but there seems to be some kind of downloading issue with your mods on itch. Website downloads don't start and when on the app I get a "non-retriable error" when I hit install. All other downloads both on the website and in app seem to work fine and it's just your mods.

Not sure if you're aware of this or not but just letting yo know 

does this still work on the latest update? i cant seem to see it

on my Sims 4 the mod not appears

Hi, I can't download the mod. It keeps redirecting back to the patreon that redirects back here. Is there something I'm doing wrong?


on the patreon, it says "download here" in the description. Click "here" and it should download.

this mod did not download. i keep coming back to this page to help me.

on the patreon, it says "download here" in the description. Click "here" and it should download.

Hi. Having troubles. I paid and it won't download. The download link just returns me to this page. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks! SL


on the patreon, it says "download here" in the description. Click "here" and it should download.