Divergent Sims
A downloadable mod
Divergent Sims
This is a brand new, cohesive, comprehensive, modular mod that focuses on neurodiversity, self-esteem, mental health, addiction, evaluation, and treatments. This includes a detailed variety of 25 anxiety, developmental, learning, mood, neurological, personality, body, eating, and mental health conditions affecting infants to elders as well as 4 addictions affecting young adults and older.
While there are many traits and smaller mods which cover various individual aspects of this mod, I wanted to be intentional in making something that was in-depth, inclusive, and comprehensive while also being configurable for different players and their play styles.
Disclaimer: This is not meant to be a 100% accurate representation of these addictions, disorders, or conditions, evaluations, diagnosis, therapies, etc. but a more generalized, Sim-style version. In real life, everyone's experience looks different and so can't be perfectly translated into a mod and there are lengthy, complicated steps to diagnosis and limitations to translating all of this to the Sims 4. That said, the mod is very much informed on a realistic approach as all of my mods are.
How it Works
Triggering the Mod
Note that nothing automatically happens with this mod unless one of five things:
- You install Disorder Auto Assignments to give all sims in your current household, Infant and older, a chance for aspects of installed modules automatically assigned to them OR
- You use the "Randomly Assign Any Disorder or Condition" or "Randomly Assign X" options in the Divergent Sims menu under Actions to randomly assign an individual sim, Infant and older, aspects of installed modules OR
- Your sim ages up in game and the aged up sim in the active household, Infant through Young Adult, has a chance to be randomly assigned aspects of installed modules OR
- You manually assign specific disorders to individual sims from installed modules via the Divergent Sims menu under Actions
- You send your sim to the Psychiatrist where there's a very small chance your sim will be randomly assigned aspects of installed modules and diagnosed. (Patron Version)
Neurodiversity and Self-Esteem
All sims randomly roll their self-esteem and neurodiversity- they are either neurotypical or neurodivergent upon aging up to infant and they either have Low, Neutral, or High Self-Esteem. If it's the first time the mod is run self-esteem and neurodiversity are randomly assigned at any age. This is done whether or not you have Disorder Auto Assignment or not and to all sims.
Auto Assignment of Disorders and Conditions
If any of the below optional modules are installed, there's a small and random chance that, depending on self-esteem and neurodiversity, a sim (infant-young adult) can roll one of the disorders or conditions below, but it is random chance depending on factors such as personality traits, neurodivergence, and self-esteem. This is optional, however, and can be prevented by taking out the Disorder Auto Assignment package. This only pertains to the active household. This does not have any effect over assignment from the modules when aging up.
Aging Up Trigger Chance
Babies who age up to infants or infants who age up to toddlers and are neurodivergent will roll one of the developmental delays below (if installed). As infants and toddlers they can have one of the delays which stays with them through those two ages.
Those delays or struggles can translate into a learning difficulty or neurological condition (if installed) as they age into a child otherwise when they age up the delay goes away but they remain neurodivergent and can still struggle. If a sim did not have a struggle or delay as an infant or toddler, they can still upon aging up to child or teen develop a neurological condition, learning difficulty, or mental, anxiety, personality, or mood disorder later in life.
Just because a Sim is neurotypical does not mean they will be immune from anxiety, body, eating, mental, mood, or personality disorders in the future (if those modules are installed). Sims who have low self-esteem have a chance of rolling a Body or Eating disorders when they age up to teen (if installed). All Sims have a small chance to roll a Mood, Mental, Personality, or Anxiety Disorder upon aging up to teen and then another, smaller chance again upon aging up to a young adult (if installed). Sims teen and above have a chance, due to a traumatic life event, to develop PTSD.
Multiple Conditions
Sims with certain conditions are more likely to develop others. Therefore, Child and Teen sims may, even when not aging up, trigger another condition. This happens most with Sims who have body or personality disorders and/or neurological conditions as they tend to lead to additional diagnosis of other learning difficulties, neurological condition, or mood disorders.
Evaluation and Diagnosis
All options for the mod are available on the Sim. For Infants and Toddlers it is "Early Childhood Development", for Children and Teens it is labeled "Youth Development", and for Young Adults and up it is labeled "Mental Health Services."
Parents and Caregivers can have their infants, toddlers, children, and teens evaluated by a child psychiatrist to receive a definitive diagnosis and can then seek treatment options if they choose. Older sims can also avail themselves of psychiatric evaluation for diagnosis. The psychiatrist will evaluate the sim and then give a diagnosis. Along with the diagnosis will be a proposed treatment plan. Initial consultations are most expensive but subsequent consultations will be significantly less expensive with pricing based on the age of the sim and if the specific treatment was recommended by the psychiatrist.
Sims can seek a variety of treatment options if they chose to do so or if recommended by the psychiatrist at the time of evaluation. Depending on the condition or disorder, treatments range from speech therapy, behavioral therapy, occupational/physical therapy, psychotherapy/ talk therapy, play therapy/floortime, personalized tutoring, and medication including antidepressants, antipsychotics, psychostimulants, anxiolytics, and mood stabilizers. All medications have the possibility of side effects. The most effective treatment plan will usually be a combination of therapies and medications.
Sims can also go to support groups, therapy sessions with family members, try self-help options, eat healthier, and exercise, meditate, or practice other wellness activities. Some therapies work better than others and medications can cause side effects.
Sims who choose to can self-medicate with Basemental's mod as well and that will be recognized by this mod.
If Sims change their minds about medication, want to go off meds, or want to try an additional pharmaceutical treatment, they can book a follow up appointment with the psychiatrist to discuss those options.
They can also, even if not specifically recommended by the psychiatrist, sign up for specific interventions, however, they will cost more than those specifically recommended by the psychiatrist. They will only be able to sign up for interventions which are generally recommended for their condition(s).
Conditions and Disorders
Each condition, difficulty, delay, or disorder will affect that which is typical for them. Every has various buffs, short and long-term, that occur due to their unique factors, as well as occasional shifts in mood or trouble concentration/completing interactions or repetitive interactions or stops, and effects on mood, motives and needs (energy, fun, social, etc), social interactions, gaining friendships and romantic relationships, daily activities, learning new skills and reaching milestones, etc. all specific to their unique parameters. The delays, difficulties, conditions, and disorders themselves, their categories, and who is eligible for them are listed below. *Note that currently you cannot have more than one undiagnosed condition at a time.*
There are over 50 socials for your sims in regards to their diagnosis, moods, or emotions. Sims can do things like discuss concerns over undiagnosed child, bond over shared conditions, argue, yell at, and place blame on other sims during bad moods, express compassion and suggest coping techniques, and more.
Required Core Modules
Main Mod (Required)
The main mod is required for all other modules to work. It is the building block of the other modules. It includes all forms of therapy, psychiatry, support groups and group sessions, evaluations, and medications.
Self-Esteem (included in main mod) Self-esteem inform how a sim sees themselves. This is much more subtle than before but this core module is critical to the Body and Eating Disorders, Mood Disorders, or Personality Disorders modules.
Neurodiversity (included in main mod) Sims are either neurotypical or neurodivergent. This informs how they develop skills and interact with other sims and the world. This core module is critical to the Developmental Delays, Learning Difficulties, or Neurological Conditions.
Optional Modules
I'm not going to list every change, buff, ccassional events, or possibilities of each below as a.)there's too much to list as I tried to be as detailed as the game would allow and b.)it's fun to find out in gameplay but here's an overview of the modules.
Anxiety Disorders (Teen and Above)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Occasional unknown anxiety, occasional panic attacks, general worry about everyday situations like finances, job security, health, etc. Stressed buffs decay much slower. Anxiolytics can help as can therapy.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
Occasional unknown anxiety, a buff cycle that starts with an obsession, then turns into anxiety over the obsession, finally a compulsion which triggers an action about the obsession (could be a repetitive action), and finally temporary relief over completing the compulsion. This is mostly related to germs, dirty, etc. If a Sim is near a sick Sim, this will also trigger. Uncomfortable and Stressed buffs decay much slower. Anxiolytics can help as can therapy.
Body and Eating Disorders Module (Teen and Above)
Body Dysmorphia
This description will be a little different since this is an updated and remixed version from Sim Image. These disorder will affect their daily lives, their relationships with the mirror and food, and their self-esteem and in turn, sims with low self-esteem and self-image are more susceptible to developing these disorders. Sims can get help, but not all Sims with the disorders will think they have a problem. Other Sims can ask Sims to get help.
Sims who get treatment can after some time go into recovery. It is possible for Sims in recovery to relapse into their old habits. The guilt of both relapse and the shame of the disorder can negatively affect Sim's self-esteem. Sim's in recovery can have minor relapses but can quickly recover if they choose to do so. Sims with these disorders will have unique responses and perspectives to common activities such as working out, eating, and looking in the mirror.
Developmental Delays Module (Infants and Toddlers)
Cognitive Delay
Sims with cognitive delays will reach Fine Motor and Social infant milestones much slower, and learn the Toddler Thinking and Imagination skills slower. Speech and Play therapy can help.
Global Developmental Delay
Sims with global delays with reach all infant milestones slower and gain all Toddler Skills slower than their peers. Speech, Behavioral, Occupational, and Play therapy can help.
Motor Delay
Sims with motor delays with reach fine and gross motor infant milestones slower and gain the Toddler Movement and Potty Skills slower. Occupational and Play therapy can help.
Social Emotional Delay
Sims with Social Emotional delays will reach certain interactive fine motor and social infant milestones slower as well as learning Toddler Communication and Imagination skills slower. Speech, Behavioral, and Play therapy can help.
Speech and Language Delay
Sims with Speech delays will reach social infant milestones slower as well as learning Toddler Communication skill slower. Speech and Play therapy can help.
General Struggles
Sims with general struggles with reach all infant milestones a little bit slower and gain all Toddler Skills a little bit slower than their peers. Speech, Behavioral, Occupational, and Play therapy can help.
Learning Difficulties Module (Child and Above)
Sims with Dyscalculia will struggle with logic, rocket science, robotics, programming and to a smaller extent baking and mixology as well as the child mental skill, learn those skills slower than others, have less success when doing interactions which require or utilize those skills, and will take longer to do activities which require those skills as well as complete school and university assignments. Tutoring and occupational therapy can help.
Sims with Dysgraphia will struggle with the writing and child mental and creativity skill, learn it slower than others, have less success when writing, and will take longer to write and complete school and university assignments. Tutoring as well as Occupational Therapy can help.
Sims with Dyslexia will struggle with reading, read slower than others, gain the child mental skill slightly slower, and will take longer to read and complete school and university assignments. Tutoring as well as Speech Therapy can help.
Sims with Dysgraphia will struggle with working out, playing, and other physical activities, learn the fitness and child motor skill slower than others, have more injuries when doing physical activities as they will have less success, and will have bouts of clumsiness. Tutoring as well as Occupational Therapy can help.
Neurological Conditions Module (Infant and Above)
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (Child and above)
Sims with ADHD will struggle with paying attention, will get easily distracted, will be impulsive, and get bored easily. They go through periods of extreme boredom, hyperactivity, and hyperfocus. They can struggle with schoolwork and mental skills somewhat as it's hard for them to focus and they get easily frustrated and bored. They enjoy physical activities and a bit of adventure. Psychostimulants as well as Antidepressants in addition to Behavioral Therapy can help.
Autism Spectrum Disorder (Child and above)(3 Levels)
Sims with ASD will either have Level 1, 2, or 3 in severity. This determines how much their ASD affects their daily lives. Sims with all levels of ASD will struggle with social skills, social interactions, making friends and increasing personal relationships, and get anxious or nervous when meeting new people or in crowds with people they don't know well and can be sensitive to loud noises. They have periods of hyperfocus. Psychostimulants as well as Antidepressants and sometimes Antipsychotics in addition to Behavioral, Play, Occupational, and Speech Therapy can help.
Gifted (Infant and Above)
Sims who are Gifted will be more alert, sleep less, reach milestones faster than others, and learn logic/thinking and language and communication skills faster than others. They are naturally inquisitive, engage in activities they enjoy passionately, and can be independent or sensitive. They enjoy solving problems and reading. Talk and Play therapy can be an effective therapy for Gifted Sims who are overwhelmed, have trouble self-regulating, and have a strong fear of failure.
Mental Health Disorders (Teen and Above)
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Sims will experience occasional nightmares, panic attacks, and flashbacks when doing certain activities. They experience occasional outburst of anger, sadness, hypervigilance, emptiness, and sometimes have trouble focusing and socializing. Scared and Stressed buffs decay much slower. Antidepressants can help as can therapy.
Schizophrenia Disorder
Sims will experience hallucinations and delusions. Their dominant and default emotion is Fine and it is always their strongest emotion. Other emotions are usually subdued or suppressed entirely. They aren't particularly social and don't autonomously socialize or attempt to maintain relationships. They are easily distracted as they don't have a vested interest in any activities. Antipsychotics can help as can therapy.
Mood Disorders Module (Teen and above)
Bipolar Disorder
Sims with Bipolar disorder experience periods of variable length of depressive episodes, manic episodes, and no episodes where things are more balanced. During depressive episodes sims experience a loss of interest in things, their energy and fun decay faster, may lose their appetite, and feel overwhelmingly sad. During manic episodes, Sims experience heightened euphoric confidence, are excitable and creative, incredibly impulsive, distractive, and sometimes self-destructive. They may quit their jobs or break up with their significant others. They can experience an outburst of anger or hyperfocus during this time. Depressive episodes usually follow manic episodes. After depressive episodes is usually a time without episodes before another manic episode sets in. How long these last are variable with each cycle. Antipsychotics, Antidepressants, and Mood Stabilizers can help as can therapy.
Clinical Depression
Sims with Major Depressive Disorder or Clinical Depression experience sadness much of the time and have periods of major depressive episodes which are much stronger than their baseline. They will get occasional buffs where they feel down, or ashamed, or misunderstood, but they will also have occasional periods of happiness and energy. Antidepressants can help as can therapy.
Seasonal Affective Disorder
Sims with Seasonal Affective Disorder have periods of depression which are cyclical based on the season. They generally have these depressive episodes more often in fall and winter and less often in spring and summer. Antidepressants can help as can therapy.
Personality Disorders Module (Teen and above)
Borderline Personality
Borderline Personality Disorder will causes sims to have periods of aggression, depression, intense mood swings, have huge shifts in their self-esteem back and forth, and periodic loneliness and fears that their loved ones and friends have abandoned them. Their likes and dislikes can change suddenly. It has effects on a sim's energy levels and ability to concentrate, they may start something and not finish it and move onto to something else and their emotions are slow to change. Antipsychotics, Antidepressants, and Mood Stabilizers can help as can therapy.
Histrionic Personality
These sims love to be the center of attention, have highly volatile mood swings, are incredibly impulsive, and will do almost anything for social clout and admiration. They take slights personally and their friendships are shallow. They are extremely flirty, almost inappropriately so. Antipsychotics, Antidepressants, and Mood Stabilizers can help as can therapy.
Paranoid Personality
These Sims have trust issues, gain friendships and romantic relationships much slower than others, are suspicious when people talk about them, prefer to be underground, and get occasional buffs related to their reclusiveness. Antipsychotics, Antidepressants, and Mood Stabilizers can help as can therapy.
Mod Load
It takes about 15-20 sim minutes for the mod to fully load! When you receive a notification informing you of your sim's self-esteem and neurodivergence or neurotypicality the mod has loaded.
Sim Behaviors
When Sims are Impulsive, Distracted, or Indecisive they might randomly stop what they're doing in the middle of interactions. When Sims are Hyperfocused, Reclusive, or Withdrawn (indicated by buffs which are titled this) they will be unable to interact with other sims. This is intended behavior. When one of these buffs occurs on your sim the mod will inform you as well as indicate on all social interactions that sims are hyperfocused or withdrawn. When the buffs expire Sims will be able to interact with others normally, again.
I'd love to do an actual venue where sims can go and have their group sessions and therapy appointments. I also want to do a career. How interactive and what that looks like I haven't decided which direction I'm going to go but open to ideas!
This mod is Base Game compatible.
Note: The medications in the public version of the mod uses an animation from Spooky Stuff, but it is not required. The animation will just be missing. The patreon version uses custom animations.
In original conception, this mod blocked Sims from receiving disorder traits from this mod if they had assigned personality traits of those same disorders from mods like Basemental or YourFalseHope's traits. However, since those are personality traits and this mod's traits are gameplay traits, I decided to not block your sim from getting the ones from this mod still. I may change this based on feedback, though.
Installation Instructions
1. Install mod below. Install the adeepindigo_gameplaymods_divergentsims_core package and script. It's the core required file for this mod.
2. If you want all features of the mod, install all modules. Otherwise, only install the modules for features which you want in your game.
3. Lumpinou's Mood Pack is required for the mod to work
4. Make sure you have the most recent version of the general pie menus
Credits: Thanks so much to DaleRune for the base for the Anorexic and Bulimia disorders.
Updated | 8 days ago |
Status | Released |
Category | Game mod |
Rating | Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars (12 total ratings) |
Author | adeepindigo |
Tags | adeepindigo, Mental Health, Sims 4 |